The Niyamas | Santosha
Do you ever find yourself thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else?
That everything will be fine as soon as you master a certain pose in class, when you eventually lose 5kg, when you finishing studying, when you get a promotion and are more 'successful'?
When we live in a constant state of want and discontentment, we are unable to accept the present moment for what it is, which can lead to a great deal of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in our lives. The Yoga Niyama Santosha reminds us of some of life's golden rules - to practice gratitude & contentment for the present.
The word santosha means “contentment” as well as “delight, happiness, joy.” It comes from an experience of acceptance—of life, of ourselves, and of whatever life has brought us When we are content, we are happy. The easiest way we can feel content with the present moment, is to shift ourselves into a state of gratitude.
Next time you find yourself feeling discontent, and setting expectations of how things "should be", try one the following practices:
Bring yourself back to the now and find 5 things you can be grateful for in the exact moment you are in. This could be anything including your health, your family, friends, coffee, the weather, nature, living in Australia, your job - the list goes on & on!
Find a mantra that reminds you to be content with the present, and repeat it 10 times (or as many times as you need!). My favorite is…
"Here and now is a wonderful place to be".